My personal blog site about Jellen and the stuff happening in my neighbourhood, school, party, Club RGR ...

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Almost PARTY time!

If you don't know what to do and you are in the neighbourhood on the 24 or/and 25th of June then don't forget to come to the Rgr summer party on the 24th and the Real Retro House party on 25th.

Hear this great commercial! : PARTY COMMERCIAL

Sounds perfect for after the exams that always last way too long.

See you all there!

more info: RGR FM
Real Retro House

Monday, June 06, 2005


Hi everybody,

Exams started today and will last till 06/22/2005...
The 22nd of june is still too far away!

Anyway, need to pass this time, have some good things to look forward to during the vacation.

What's 100% sure is that I'm going to One of the best Rock festivals of the world.. Rock Werchter As always that's an amazing start for my two month vacation.

The week after Rock Werchter I'm going to a 'lan party' need to get some new movies and music :-)
What will happen the weeks after that isn't planned yet.

In august I will need to go work at the local 'lake' will be Life Guard there.
Already did this two days in May and love the job :-) So I'm looking forward to earning some extra money in the good weather and between all the people :p

Anyway, Should go back to my books.. History test tomorrow!

Greetings, Jellen