My personal blog site about Jellen and the stuff happening in my neighbourhood, school, party, Club RGR ...

Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Fun and parties and free time are over for a while..... :(

Also no more swimming for few weeks, stupid exams.
Will post more later, first study study...

see you soon, Jellen

Saturday, November 20, 2004


Me and some friends went to Jorn his X-mos Party, normally you celebrate this when you are in last year of school and 100 days only left but because they are on ski trip then, they did the party last night.

Was nice party, music was good, people were all happy and maybe little bit too drunk too :-)
Took my cam with me to take some pictures and few small movies. can find those HERE

(movies=filmkes, fotokes=Pics) For the movies you need the divx codec (free at

Now time to go swimming, see you all later, Jellen

Me.... :-)  Posted by Hello

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Is there still any privacy left on the world wide web????
The big multinational companies seem to know everything and everyone that uses the internet.

After using emule for a while I got an email saying: you are sharing illegal content......
So it's ok if everyone just monitors my ineternet connection??
Good luck bank data is encrypted or everyone would know too.

All those companies only think about their money, someone should protect us from that and think some more about our rights as internet user.

Damn school is becoming so boring, wish I could just go to work and finally earn some money... oh well :)

Any comments welcome, Greetings Jellen

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Me(left) and some friends at party in the roozenberg (heverlee) more pictures at Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Long time

Wow! long time ago that I posted...

Was enjoying my week vacation too much :-) mmm almost forgot how it feels to be lazy all week :-)

Back to reality, at least for a few days, vacation again since tomorrow :-) extra long weekend...

Was watching the news today: damn whats going on in this world...

Is Arafat dead or alive?? or something between? who knows...
Dhl decided to build there international station in Germany (duch belgian politics too slow)
So another few thousands jobs will be lost in the future... who cares at least few people have some better night rest... except those that will end up on the street because of no income...

Why do they only show bad news on tv?? Is there actually still something good out there? who knows, we only seem to know what tv or newspaper tells us... We don't think for ourselves anymore... bad thing.. oh well, frustration :-)

See you all later, Jellen

Monday, November 01, 2004


What a weekend!

We saw the 8 hour long show of Dj Tiƫsto, the so called number one dj of the world.
Only him as dj and 25.000 in big dome, was worth it :-)

Then yesterday even better! Crazy halloween party of RGR(best radio staion in Belgium-

Was so crowed and hot but was soo much fun.
Drunk too much too, oh well, only once halloween a year :-)

Anyway, perfect start of a week deserved vacation!! :-)

See you all later, Jellen