My personal blog site about Jellen and the stuff happening in my neighbourhood, school, party, Club RGR ...

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Guess I'm a very luck person, I have everything I really need: friends, perfect gf, good parents, and so on and on....

And its true that you only realize what you have or had when you need to miss it.

Yesterday got home and dad and mum were worried, she woke with heavy pain in her chest and stuff like that.... :s

So to be sure dad took her to hospital. Of course I couldn't fall asleep anymore, finally dad told me everything is fine... What a relief!!

Anyway, just want people to remind them how lucky they are day after day! Just think one minute about it! If you ever get sad, think of all those things you have and all those moments! NO need for drugs.

Greetings, Jellen


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