My personal blog site about Jellen and the stuff happening in my neighbourhood, school, party, Club RGR ...

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Another party

Today was way too busy, Woke late and swimming was at 3pm till 5 pm.
Got home, needed to go fix another computer.... took forever to find out what the problem was.
Pc didnt want to start and always went to bios.....

So tried to upgrade the firmware, tried everything... after getting little bit upset :-) and some hard pushes on f2 key (load bios) the pc started windows..... yeeeyy

Some cola dropped into the keyboard and delete button was stuck so it always went to bios...
So after some hard smashes everything worked perfectly :-) And then they say technoligy and violence don't go well together :-)

Going to another party tonight, so will tell you how it was tomorrow.

Greets, Jellen


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